The method has been validated and is intended for use in testirig product at the time of release as well as on stability 此方法已经过验证,拟用于检测产品的释放时间以及稳定性。
The release notes document describes the known issues about the product at the time of release and suggests resolutions 本发行说明文档描述截止到发行时关于产品的已知问题和建议解决方法。
The supplier shall submit a signed materials document and the relevant specification for approval by the responsible design and materials engineering office at the same time of release of the o . k . to tool package 供应商必须提交一个签署的材料文件和相关规范,在对工具包确认放行的同时,给负责的设计和材料工程部门进行批准。